AeternoBlade II confermato ufficialmente per Nintendo 3DS e PlayStation Vita

Nonostante il primo capitolo non abbia certamente impressionato in modo positivo la stampa e il pubblico, i ragazzi di Corecell Technology non vogliono minimamente abbandonare AeternoBlade annunciando così il secondo capitolo della serie.

Infatti, AeternoBlade II sarà rilasciato per 3DS, attraverso il Nintendo eShop della console, e PlayStation Vita, sempre in formato digitale su PlayStation Network. Il gioco, diversamente dal suo predecessore, vanterà due personaggi principali: Freyja e Bernard di cui potete trovare due artwork di seguito insieme ad alcuni dettagli racchiusi nel comunicato ufficiale dello sviluppatore:

AeternoBlade 2 is on production.

First of all, we really want to “Thank you” our players very much. All 3 platforms [3DS/PSV/PS4] were sold more than our team’s expectation. This is the gift for our AeternoBlade’s fans.

“We are making AeternoBlade 2 !!”

AeternoBlade2  will have new time manipulation mechanism and more action features while the game still keep medriodvania style such as exploring map , solving time puzzle and collecting relic.

The main platforms of AeternoBlade 2 are 3DS , PSVita.

Probably, we will support more platforms later.

We expect to release game around end of Q2 2016.

Here is the introduction of our 2 main characters in AeternoBlade 2!!


After she made new paradox, her life has changed in the better way, But, for responsible of universe time effect , Freyja has to pick up AeternoBlade again.



A young knight who has strong talent in using heavy weapon. He is talk-less person but has a kind heart.

More information about AeternoBlade2 will be released next time.

Fonte: Nintendo Life