Nintendo svela un nuovo portale dedicato agli sviluppatori

Nintendo ha ufficializzato l’apertura di nuovo portale completamente dedicato agli sviluppatori. Una notizia molto curiosa considerando che ieri abbiamo parlato dell’inizio della distribuzione dei dev kit di NX ai primi sviluppatore di terze parti.

Questo portale è diviso in tre categorie: Game Developers, Tool Developers e Publishers. Di seguito ecco alcune informazioni che abbiamo potuto raccogliere:

This new website had one goal—to make your lives easier. We’re hard at work making more and better tools to help you self-publish, digitally publish, and publish at retail.

We’ll soon have advanced project tracking and ROM submission, project-based message boards and more, helping you with every step—from concept, to publish, to counting your accolades. And as always, you’ll have the best global developer support team ever, right from the start, making the Nintendo Developer Portal your go-to resource.

Our newest gem in the box is the NDI Client. NDI stands for Nintendo Dev Interface, but it’s really going to be your new best friend. The NDI Client will help make sure you have the optimal development environment on your development system — by downloading and installing it all for you! You can tailor it to the platform you’re developing for, the SDK you want, even the region you’re working in. It allows easy download of all the relevant guidelines and documentation you need to do your work. It even allows you to update the firmware of certain development kits.

Questo sito di Nintendo va a sostituire il vecchio

Fonte: DualShockers