Battle Chaser: Nightwar – Alcuni dettagli sull’update per Nintendo Switch

Airship Syndicate ha rivelato alcuni interessanti dettagli per l’aggiornamento di Battle Chaseres: Nightwar che è stato rilasciato in queste ore su Nintendo Switch.

Questo update va a migliorare alcuni dei bug che affliggono il gioco pubblicato da THQ Nordic e che lo scorso anno ha debuttato anche su tutte le altre piattaforme:

We know for many of you who opted to wait for the optional post-campaign Switch version, this is the most hotly anticipated news. Here’s the current status.

The game has been in THQ Nordic’s QA for a few weeks now, and we did find a few tricky bugs that took time to resolve. One, for example, stopped certain cutscenes from playing 100% of the time. In another case, walking into two of the eight dungeons resulted in garbage visual data filling the screen. Both of these were completely unique to the Switch and tricky to track down. We have fixes for those, and the game is back in QA.

We’re now cautiously optimistic that with another round of testing, the game will be ready for submission. Trust us when we say that no one wants it out more than we do, but we obviously couldn’t release it with such problems occurring.

We can’t give a date, but we can say with honesty that it’s really damn close.

Via: Nintendo Everything