Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered – Annunciata l’uscita standalone

Si è parlato molto della possibilità di vedere il rilascio standalone di Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered e alla fine Activision ha accontentato tutti.

Donato come bonus solo per chi acquistava alcune edizioni di Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, ora la remastered del quarto capitolo del franchise ha finalmente una data di rilascio ufficiale su PCPlayStation 4Xbox One.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, infatti, sarà disponibile su PlayStation 4 dal 27 giugno, mentre le altre due edizioni arriveranno il 29 giugno.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered features fully improved texture resolution and detail, revamped animation, remastered audio, and much more. Fans will relive the full, iconic story campaign as they’re transported around the globe with Capt. Price, Gaz and Soap across all the missions from the original game, including “All Ghillied Up,” “Charlie Don’t Surf,” and “Crew Expendable.” Players will also experience the online multiplayer mode that redefined Call of Duty by introducing killstreaks, XP, Prestige and more, and battle head-to-head in the fan-favorite maps from the original multiplayer mode, including classics such as “Crash,” “Backlot” and “Crossfire.”