Dragon Quest XI – Diffuse nuove informazioni sul gioco

Mentre in Giappone stanno attendendo la data d’uscita di Dragon Quest XI che, ricordiamo, è fissata per il mese di luglio, ecco che Square Enix ha deciso di diffondere nuovi dettagli per quanto concerne questo titolo previsto per PlayStation 4Nintendo 3DS.

Questa volta si parla del sistema delle Zone e i Link presenti in Dragon Quest XI:


– One of the new powers that appears in battle
– State of heightened concentration that temporarily increases your combat ability
– If attacked by an enemy, the protagonist and other party members can enter Zone allowing them to turn a sticky situation into a prime opportunity
– Entering Zone surrounds your body in a blue light and increases your ability
– The effect can carry over to the next battle until it disappears
– Even if you take heavy damage and find yourself in a pinch entering Zone could be your chance for a counterattack
– Zone is even more promising when several party members enter it
– Monsters can also enter zone


– If you enter Zone, you can acquire even further power
– By combining your power with those of your party members, you can unleash powerful Link techniques
– These can become the key to defeating formidable enemies
– Silvia can light up the protagonist’s sword with fire
– Link techniques differ depending on the combination of party members, learned spells and skills, and the number of people that are in Zone
– How you organize your party will directly affect which Link techniques you can unleash
– Monsters can also unleash Link techniques
– Camus and the Protagonist: “Falcon Dance”
– Full Party: “Giga Burst”
– Silvia and Protagonist and Row: “Rose Hurricane”
– Martina and Row: “Matou Enbu”

Dragon Quest XI verrà rilasciato il prossimo 29 luglio in Giappone sulle due console precedentemente citate, mentre la versione Nintendo Switch non ha ancora una data d’uscita.

Via: Gematsu