Ormai sono giorni che il profilo Twitter dedicato alla saga sta diffondendo tantissimi dettagli per Fire Emblem: Three Houses, attesissimo nuovo capitolo dell’acclamata saga strategica di Intelligent Systems che vedrà la luce solo su Nintendo Switch durante il mese di luglio.
Il personaggio presentato oggi è Hilda e di seguito ecco alcuni dettagli:
Hilda is a part of the Golden Deer house as well as the sole daughter of the Duke of Goneryl. Possible because she was spoiled by her father and brother, she has a habit of being lazy, and can get others to spoil her. Hilda is essentially the typical “Noble Lady”. Additionally, she’s a fan of anything fashionable and colorful.
父と兄に甘やかされて育ったためか、すぐに怠けようとする癖があり、周囲に甘えるのも上手。気楽で軽い言動が目立ち、典型的な「貴族のお嬢様」と評されることも。お洒落をすることや、華やかなものが大好き。 #FE風花雪月 pic.twitter.com/TN4pkvEoS0— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) May 17, 2019
悪い子ではないんです。ちょっと怠け者なだけ。ヒルダとの会話です。 #FE風花雪月 pic.twitter.com/NqDabrLbQc
— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) May 17, 2019
Fire Emblem: Three Houses sarà rilasciato il prossimo 26 luglio.