Un altro annuncio che poteva benissimo esser fatto durante la conferenza Microsoft o al limite di Square Enix all’E3 2018 è arrivato in anticipo sui tempi.
Come da titolo della news stiamo parlando di NieR: Automata che sarà disponibile anche su Xbox One dal 26 giugno prossimo. L’annuncio è stato fatto tramite il sito web di Square Enix che riporta anche qualche dettaglio sull’action RPG sviluppato da Platinum Games:
In the first of many exciting E3 announcements, we’re excited to announce that the critically acclaimed NieR:Automata is finally coming to the Xbox Store as the NieR:Automata BECOME AS GODS Edition on June 26, 2018.
Players will be able to enjoy the notable action-packed battles, beautiful open-world, wonderfully crafted story, and elements of classic Square Enix action-RPG, and explore the iconic futuristic dystopian setting of NieR:Automata.
The NieR:Automata BECOME AS GODS Edition is available for pre-order now for $49.99 and will include the following DLC:
Base NieR:Automata game ($59.99 value)
The 3C3C1D119440927 expansion DLC ($13.99 value)
Grimoire Weiss Pod
Retro Red Pod Skin
Retro Grey Pod Skin
Cardboard Pod Skin
The Machine Lifeform Mask AccessoryNieR:Automata BECOME AS GODS Edition will be released digitally on June 26, 2018 for Xbox One X, Xbox One S, and Xbox One. This title is ESRB rated M and PEGI rated 18+, for more information on ratings visit ESRB and PEGI websites.
For more information or updates regarding NieR:Automata and NieR:Automata BECOME AS GODS Edition, please visit the official website and social media channels.