Nintendo – Shuntaro Furukawa si insedia ufficialmente come presidente della compagnia

Qualche mese fa avevamo accolto la notizia del passo indietro fatto da Tatsumi Kimishima come presidente di Nintendo. Al suo posto è stato eletto Shuntaro Furukawa che quest’oggi si è ufficialmente insediato alla guida del colosso di Kyoto.

Di seguito potete trovare le prime dichiarazioni dei due durante il cambio alla guida di Nintendo:


“I was appointed president due to the sudden passing of our former president, but due to the support of a great deal of good people – including shareholders – the Switch was released without a hitch. I don’t think I could retire at a better time. Thank you very much.”


“I will now be taking office as president and will serve as such at all future Board of Directors meetings. As a company, we will continue to change with the times, but no matter what we will continue to be a company that incorporates flexibility and ingenuity into the entertainment we produce – and continue to be devoted to making people smile.”

Via: Nintendo Everything