Shenmue III – Gli auguri di Natale da parte di Yu Suzuki

Yu Suzuki, creatore del gioco, ha inviato gli auguri di Natale a tutti coloro che sono iscritti alla newsletter e, soprattutto, a coloro che hanno finanziato la campagna Kickstarter di Shenmue III, gioco per PCPlayStation 4 che sarà disponibile il prossimo anno.

Happy Holidays Everyone!
Shenhua has come to town wishing merry to all at this year’s end, when our busied breath sends clouds of white billowing forth in the pleasant chill of the season.

PC release on
After the announcement of the PC release on the Slacker Backer page, site access became restricted due to the large amount of traffic. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. Cries of joy and pain simultaneously went up by the developers from your response to the announcement. We never fail to be moved by your hopes and expectations. Thank you so much!

The Year Past and the Year Ahead
We have been giving it our all this past year getting ready to put the game together, but we were also able fulfill the Dinner Rewards with Yu-san in Monaco, Kamakura and San Francisco. While we may not be able to meet with all you wonderful backers, those events were valuable and enriching experiences we are proud to be able to share with you.
On the production side, we have now entered the final phases of R&D which has allowed us to slowly, but surely, show some of the different game elements and features. Marching along into 2017, we hope to show more of these different elements, along with the increasing depth of the world of Shenmue.

That’s all for us this year! Have a Happy New Year!