Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End – Tantissime informazioni e video gameplay dal GameStop Expo

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End è la quarta avventura di Nathan Drake su console fissa e segna il debutto ufficiale, almeno per quanto riguarda un gioco nuovo, su PlayStation 4 della serie targata Naughty Dog.

Durante il GameStop Expo 2015 il gioco è stato mostrato ampiamente con una demo di gameplay insieme a diverse informazioni che abbiamo potuto raccogliere e riportarvi di seguito (grazie DualShockers):

  • Making Drake look older was about the toll that his adventures have taken on him, and showing that on the physical level.
  • There’s some pressure given by the expectations weighing on Naughty Dog, as they’re expected to always outdo themselves, but bringing the franchise to the new generation opens up a lot of opportunities, and that mitigates the pressure.
  • This is the Uncharted game that Naughty Dog always wanted to make, because they can include all those crazy ideas that they had in the past and coule never use, and blend gameplay mechanics in ways that were impossible before.
  • In the demo there are many paths one can take. You’re always going downhill, but there are “so many choices” on how you’re going downhill.
  • Naughty Dog is excited about the Nathan Drake Collection because there are many people that got a PlayStation for the first time with the PS4, and they haven’t experiencedUncharted before.
  • It would have been great to show the entire demo at E3, but at that time it was considered a great teaser, and a great place to end because things were starting to get insane, and they wanted people to want to come back for more. That felt right at the time, but afterwards they thought that maybe they should have shown the whole thing.
  • The fire effect in the jeep at the end of the demo was completed “really late,” and it was a lot of really hard work for the team to make it look like it did.
  • According to Meyer, Sam is a really interesting character because the audience didn’t know about him and Nathan thought he was dead, and he suddenly pops up out of nowhere. and he’s in trouble. He forces Nathan to make really hard choices. He shows the other side of Drake that Naughty Dog hasn’t been able to explore so far. He’s always been the one propelling the action, and now he’s “kind of along for the ride,” and has to make choices between his former life and his family.
  • The multiplayer team has been working about some “really cool stuff,” and they can’t wait to start talking about it.
  • Naughty Dog feels that the E3 demo is the best of the best they can show of Uncharted 4 in terms of demos. Of course there will be more reveals, but this one puts what they want to do with the game really well in a fifteen minutes package.

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End sarà disponibile a partire dal 18 marzo 2016.