World of Final Fantasy – PlayStation 4 e PS Vita a confronto con un nuovo video

Le versioni PS VitaPlayStation 4 di World of Final Fantasy vengono messe a confronto. Durante la live che si è tenuta nelle ultime ore, a partire dal minuto 13:38, Square Enix ci consente di ammirare quali sono le sostanziali differenze tra le due edizioni di questo spin-off della serie che, ricordiamo, sarà disponibile in Europa dal prossimo 28 ottobre.

Di seguito ecco una nuova serie di dettagli su World of Final Fantasy:


  • PlayStation 4 Share Button: There will be no restrictions on live streaming, recording, or taking screenshots. Even the opening and ending can be shared via the Share button.
  • Day One Patch: A Day One patch will be released when World of Final Fantasy launches. It will add multiplayer to the PlayStation 4 version.
  • Cross Save: Cross-save is supported.
  • Multiplayer: You can battle against and trade with other players.
  • Pre-Order Bonuses: You’ll be able to obtain your Mirage pre-order bonuses in the game at the arena after the tutorial chapter. The Sephiroth bonus (pictured above) will also be obtainable at this time.
  • Astraea Mirage: Astraea, from Square Enix shoot ’em up Einhander, will appear as a Mirage (monster). In Japan, he is a bonus for purchasing the game at GEO. See him in the video above at 32:33.